Monday, December 12, 2011

I dream of baby!

So my blog today is inspired by the famous tv land show I dream of Jeannie! Wouldnt it be nice if we could rub a little lamp and a magic genie would pop out granting us any three wishes we want? Most dealing with infertility would tell that genie "I only have one wish! You can keep the other two!" Lol! Our wish would be to become pregnant of course! But the way I see it, We do have a lamp in the form of a bible and we do have a genie except he is the highest of high! No magic required! Our wonderous Savior!! So instead of searching for that lamp just search the pages of the word of God! And instead of wishing get on those knees and start praying! Our Savior yearns for a realtionship with us more than we can ever think we yearn for the baby we are dreaming of. I had a conversation with a friend of mine the other day. I told her that this experiance has brought me closer to God then ever and that I never want to forget this experiance. We all are guilty of praying more or having a closer relationship with the Lord in our time of need, but I never want my relationship with Him to soften. Instead I want it to grow and become stronger. Even if I do achieve parenthood I dont want to lose the slightess connection I have with Him! And if the Lord knows that my relationship with Him will fade if I become pregnant I ask that he does not give me pregnancy! My relationship with Him is way more important than becoming pregnant! I know some of you might be like WHAT this girl has lost it! But I mean that from the bottom of my heart! Nothing on this earth is more important than our relationship with Christ and where we spend eternity! I try to make sure and not ask Him for things selfishly. I only want the things that occur in my life on this earth to show His glory. I learned from a dear friend to stop and evaluate each question I ask of God before I ask and make sure Im not asking for my own selfish reasons and that Im asking as the result to glorify Him! This has been an eye opener for me! And I now intend to use this process of thinking in all areas of my life! A great example would be somthing like praying to win the lottery or win a contest. Are you praying for this to gain personal triumph? Or are you praying for this to show the triumphs of the Lord? To show His glory through you? If your answer is not the latter then its a great possibility that you shouldnt be praying for this. Which brings me to praying for pregnancy. Am I selfishly asking God to give me something that pleases me or pleases Him? One things for sure! Im learning alot through this process spiritually and I hope that all of you reading are too!

I want to take a beat the say how thankful I am that God has placed a special friend in my life that gives great advice, listens when I need it most, and radiates Gods love! Praise the Lord for our special friends!

I want to share a touching video with you guys! It reminds me that things can be worse and that even through a time of tragedy this amazing couple did not lose faith! They went through a leg shaking, knee taking, lots of praying, but completely NOT faith breaking experiance and was blessed in the end!! In this situation most would blame God and turn from Him but not this family! I hope there story touches you as much as it has me!

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