Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Here we go.....

So just a little update. We have our first appointment this week with Dr "G". I have so many emotions! Im nervouse and scared but also excited and relieved. Those emotions mixed together puts me on a rollar coaster inside! Im scared to actually get the results because I know there is a possibility we will be told we just physically can not have biological children of our own and im also relieved that we are going to finally get some sort of an answer that I have been waiting 15 long months to hear. Even though I have not been as stressed over becoming pregnant this past month. It has not consumed my life like it has for the past 14 months.... over the past month my relationship with the Lord has grown so much! I am at peace with knowing this is all in His hands. He can carry with load for me and I do not have to carry it on my own! Our God is so loving and merciful I know he has a special plan for my life as a mother. And in the meantime I am learning to take on a fruit of the spirit I have been struggling with.... Patience! I have decided to be still and hear Gods plan for me and be patient and trust in that plan. On another note... I am starting a support group for other women out there like me. I will be hosting a brunch sometime next month to gather together and share our stories or just listen. Talking with others that have gone through or are going through this hard thing called infertility! Hopefully what will come out of this is a safe zone to talk to girls who understand what you are going through, have someone to lean on and listen, but most of all make wonderful friends! If you are interested in attending please message me on fb. To everyone following our journey and lifting your prayers for our little family THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! Everyones support has lifted my spirits and Ive started to smile alot more lately! Til next time :)