Saturday, August 20, 2011

And the journey continues

So I thought me and Bert were gonna be another one of those couples with the awesome review about fertilaid saying we tried for 14 months and after one month of fertilaid we are pregnant. No such luck. Today was yet another day of devastation in the Brashier house hold! We did everything we were suppose to do and it just didnt happen. At this point I feel lost, confused, and like giving up! The hurt I feel everytime I get a negative result is unexplainable!  I see the disappointment in my husbands eyes and it breaks my heart. I have no control over this and it kills me! We will now be going further into the fertitlity cycle with lots of testing and probably harsh medications. The fertilaid made us both sick and I was dizzy all month but I will do anything to start our family. Im sure the medicine they put us on now will be even more uncomfortable! But I am determined not to give up! Please keep us in your prayers.