The nurse called today and told me that everything is A-OK with the hubby! I was so happy! Then she started to tell me what the next steps would entail and while she was talking it hit me! If he is okay then that must mean something is wrong with me! My happiness suddenly turned into sadness and I started to get overwhelmed with all that she was saying. She started rambling off questions like when and how long is your cycle, what day do you ovulate, how long have yall been trying and I could hear myself almost roboticly answering the questions. It became so overwhelming that I started to cry when she told me she would call me back! When I got off the phone I cried like I never have before! I guess I had just been preparing myself subconsciously that it would be male factor infertility. I dont know why. After talking with my mom on the phone and letting myself cry it out I realized that this is what I wanted. ANSWERS! And for the ball to get rolling. This is part of Gods plan for us and me sitting around in self pity is not going to get me anywhere.
So the nurse called me back after talking with the doctor on what the plan is for our next step. I will have to call them on the first day of my period and they will schedule an appointment for me 12 days from that day so they can do an ultrasound to see if I am producing healthy follicles while ovulating. ( I never in a million years thought my first ultrasound would be of follicles and not a baby!!) She did not say anything about blood work but im assuming they will be doing this also. Which I am the most terrified from!! I have never had blood drawn and only one IV in which they completely numbed my hand so I didnt feel a thing. But as I have said before I will do whatever I have to do to achieve parenthood! So bring on the needles! Anyway when they take a look at my follicles they will see if they are healthy or not. If not they will put me on Clomid that will help improve the follicle quality. If I do have healthy follicles they will do an HSG (which is out of our budget and we will have to save awhile for) which is where they put a dye in my Fallopian tubes to look for any blockages and flush my tubes. And this is just our FIRST step! I would be lying if I told you that Im not scared! But Im also hopeful! I feel like we are officially on the road to parenthood.
This journey so far has been an emotion roller coaster! But even through the down days alot of great things have come out of this! The first is the strength I have found in my relationship with my Savior! My marriage has become stronger and brought us closer than I thought we ever could be! I have made some AMAZING friends through this process! And I have received so many encouraging words and so much love from each of you that read our blog! We feel your prayers working in our lives and love you guys so much!
I want to take the time to thank each and everyone of you who have been praying for the hubby and for us both while waiting on his results! I thank the Lord Jesus for answered prayers! Please pray for me as we embark on the next step in this journey!
Genesis 1:22God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth."
Genesis 12:2-3
"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
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