Monday, October 31, 2011

An Infertil Halloween

So even though it may not seem that a simple holiday like halloween can affect a person dealing with infertility it does. Passing the costume section wondering if you were a parent just which costume you would choose. Thinking of where you would take them trick or treating or in our case what fun we would have at the fall festival at our church. In our case we are very lucky to have a beautiful nephew that we get to share this time with but my heart breaks for the others out there that will sit at home crying after each trick or treater leaves there door giggling. Wishing for that moment that they could be on the other side of that door with a small hand in theirs. I have met with women who are in there later years that were never able to have children and i can still see hurt in their eyes. They should be grandparents by now but instead look forward to a child knocking on there door for candy just because it is a rare occassion to play grandma. I sometimes wonder if that will be me oneday. But all in all we have to be thankful for the good in our lives our health, our family, and most of all our faith. Today i pray for those that have a hard time getting through and i also pray for everyone our there to have a safe and happy halloween. Love your child and soak in each little moment of your trick or treating experiance... there are some out there that cant.

He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the LORD!
(Psalms 113:9 Holy Bible ESV)

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