So last night I watched Passion of the Christ for the first time! I have put off watching it for years because I was scared to actually SEE what Jesus went through for us. After watching it I became incredibly humbled! Really I cried my eyes out! And the thought that the movie was just a small idea of what he actually sustained! The magnitude of the torture placed on him is umimaginable! During the movie I stopped and thought of all the lost souls out in this world that have not accepted Jesus's gift of salvation and it is sooo sad! He went through that to take on your sins so that you may enter into his kingdom if you would only accept him as your savior. When you dont accept him as your savior its like you are telling him he went through all of that for you for nothing! Jesus loves each and every one of us so much that he willingly gave his life so that we may have eternal life! The most important thing you can do in this life is accept him as your savior and live in his image!
John 3:16 God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.
Living your life for Christ is more than just saying you are a christan! You have to live your life showing Gods light shining through you to others. There came a point in my life where my light was very dim! I was more worried about fitting in and going with the crowd! The reality is that the things that SEEM important like fitting in, being cool, doing the things the crowd is doing so you dont stand out does not matter when you leave this earth ! What matters are the works you are doing with your life for the Lord! And that when you meet your maker you can stand tall and say even though people of the world gave me a hard time for being different and made fun of me for not wanting to do the evil things of the world I stood strong in your faith and goodness and refrained from falling into satans temptations!
Although there will be times that we falter and fall into those temptations as a child of God it is so good to know that our sins are forgivin as soon as we ask for forgiveness from our All Mighty God!
John 15:18-19 If the world hates you, remember that is hated me first. If you belonged to the world it would love you as it loves its own. But I have chosen you out of the world, so you dont belong to it. That is why the world hates you.
If I have to be of the world to fit in, Then call me a nerd and I'll proudly stand out!!
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