In my own personal bible study today I read about Sarah and Rebekah's barreness. From the beginning of time women have struggled with infertility and sought out Gods blessings through there trial. This is there stories...
(5)Abraham was one hundred years old when his son Isaac was born. (6) And Sarah said "God has made me laugh." Everyone who hears about this will laugh with me. (7) No one thought that I would be able to have Abraham's child, but even though Abraham is old I have given him a son. Genesis 21:5-7
Wow! Talk about waiting faithfully! Even after waiting one hundred years God blessed Abraham and Sarah with a child! They were faithful and put God first without questioning him! And in the end Sarah even found humor in having a child! Lets just hope me and Brett dont have to wait quite that long!
Now Sarahs son Isaac married Rebekah who also battled with infertility.
Isaac's wife could not have children, so Isaac prayed to the Lord for her. The Lord heard Isaac's prayer and Rebekah became pregnant. Genesis 25:21
What I love about this verse is the importance that your husband prays for you also! It is important that both husband and wife are actively seeking God through prayer. It is your husbands job to be the christian leader of your home. Praying together is important. Raising your children in Gods image is most important. As a man of God your husband will lovingly take on that role.
1 Peter 3:7 says, You husbands likewise live with your wives in an understanding way, as with a weaker vessel, since she is a woman; and grant her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.
Reading about other women in the bible that struggled with infertility is just a reminder to me that Im not the first and I wont be the last. But through these stories the common ground remains! Gods faithfulness! And Gods love for his children. Our God is amazing and has our best interest at heart. He knows our desires and loves to bless his children. Im sure sometimes when we go to God in prayer with OUR plans he sometimes giggles thinking if they only knew the plan I have for them! And im sure he enjoys seeing the joy on our faces when HIS plan plays out and we stop and think wow the plan I had was so lame compared to this! I look forward to that day that I can say wow I stressed and stumbled and cried and grumbled over my plan that was so lame compared to the plan God had for me! :)
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