Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Another Day Another Follicle

So we went for our second fertility appointment today. We did the ultrasound again. This time I had no healthy follicles on my right ovary and a so so size follicle on my left.(which the doctor said is normal, that you usually alternate ovary each cycle) They told us that a follicle needs to measure 1.8 cm to be healthy enough to achieve pregnancy, My follicle was measuring at 1.7cm. So they scheduled for me to come in on Friday to have the HCG shot to boost follicle growth and ovulation. They sent me home with this little ultrasound picture and I have to say I walked out of that office so proud holding my little picture! LOL I told my mom "If we do get pregnant I can tell my child that I prayed for them when he/she was just a little follicle"! LOL

Anyway the doctor told us that if we do not get pregnant this time that our next step will be an HSG and that depending on how that goes she would continue with the follicle scans and put me on a low dose of clomid. At this point I have stopped trying to look ahead and plan. I am just gonna go with the flow and take it one appointment at a time.

At this point we are very hopeful! Almost too hopeful! Which scares me!! So far I have been able to deal (in some sort) with how I react to negative results, but now that the husband is so emotionally invested and I have seen the hurt it causes him it worries my heart! The last thing I want to see is his heart ache like mine has for the past 19 months. Now dont get me wrong Im not saying the hubby didnt care before, I just think before he saw it as things I was coming up with from my massive google searches and now he is actually SEEING and HEARING straight from a doctor and things are getting real for him.

Through all the ups and downs of this roller coaster ride we call infertility one thing has stayed constant and true! And thats Gods love and blessings He has placed upon us! I feel His love through all aspects of our journey! I know that we have had some down days but I can not imagine how those days would be without my savior there to comfort us! When you have a relationship with the Lord, His works in your life become more apparent. Because you are paying attention to Him. Now when I see the smallest prayers answered it is nothing short of a miracle. Jesus does not owe us anything but he gives us His love for FREE! I witnessed one of my small prayers being answered today and it humbled me so much! The thought that God loves me so much that He hears my prayers! We all tend to pray for things (most of the time selfishly) But when those prayers do get answered how often do we stop and say a prayer of thanks to Him? Sometimes we pray for things and often forget about them. Then down the road when that prayer is answered we may give a whoo hoo or something but not stop and give God the glory. I am guilty of this! I TRY to make sure and thank God for His love daily and to consciously take the time to go to Him in thanks when a prayer of mine is answered! Im so thankful for my Savior, for my family, and for all of you guys who care about us and encourage us along our journey.

"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father."
Colossians 3:17

"Always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;"
Ephesians 5:20

"For all things are for your sakes, so that the grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God."
2 Corinthians 4:15

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